store card

store card
1) торг. магазинная карточка [карта\] (кредитная или платежная карта, выпущенная торговой группой либо сетью магазинов и принимаемая при покупке товаров только в магазинах этой группы/торговой сети)
2) торг., учет = bin card

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магазинная карточка: кредитная (платежная) карточка, выпущенная торговой группой, сетью магазинов, крупным универмагом; см. plastic card.
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магазинная кредитная карточка
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "store card" в других словарях:

  • store card — ➔ card * * * store card UK US noun [C] COMMERCE, FINANCE ► a plastic card that can be used to buy goods in a particular store that you pay for at a later time: »If you apply for our store card today, you will get an extra 15% discount on any… …   Financial and business terms

  • store card — store ,card noun count 1. ) a CREDIT CARD that you can use in a particular store 2. ) AMERICAN a card provided by a large store or supermarket that you can use to get POINTS when you buy something from that store. You can then use these points… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • store card — n BrE a card provided by a particular shop that you can use to buy goods at that shop, that you will pay for at a later date = ↑charge card …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • store card — noun : a token issued by a private business concern for relieving a public scarcity of small change or for advertising purposes * * * a token bearing the name of a business, often exchangeable for a particular item. * * * store card noun A credit …   Useful english dictionary

  • store card — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms store card : singular store card plural store cards a credit card that you can use in a particular shop …   English dictionary

  • store card — A plastic card issued by a store or retail chain that entitles the holder to purchase goods or services up to a prescribed limit from that store or outlets in the chain. Customers receive monthly statements from the retailer, or a finance company …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • store card — / stɔ: kɑ:d/ noun a credit card issued by a large department store, which can only be used for purchases in that store …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • store card — / stɔ: kɑ:d/ noun a credit card issued by a large department store, which can only be used for purchases in that store …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • store card — noun a credit card that can be used only in one store or chain of stores …   English new terms dictionary

  • store card — n. (Britain) credit card, charge plate, charge card …   English contemporary dictionary

  • store card — See: bin card …   Accounting dictionary

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